Figure 5.
Lateral mobility of peptides measured by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Left: Schematic drawings of the labeling techniques. Plain SSM was labeled with boron-dipyrromethene (BODIPY, top) and the coiled-coil structure was labeled with Oregon Green 488 maleimide (OG488). (A and B) Fluorescence micrograph of (A) plain POPC/MCCDOPE/BODIPY 89:10:1 and (B) POPC/MCCDOPE 90:10 functionalized with LP-K3Cys and E3Cys (OG488 labeled; scale bars: 10 μm). Images were collected shortly after the bleaching pulse. The graph on the right side shows diffusion coefficients (green) and corresponding mobile fractions (gray) of a plain SSM consisting of POPC/MCCDOPE/BODIPY 89:10:1 (POPC), and SSM consisting of POPC/MCCDOPE 90:10 functionalized with LP-K3Cys bound to E3Cys (OG488 labeled; LP-K3Cys + E3Cys-OG488), and functionalized with LP-i-K3Cys bound to i-E3Cys (OG488 labeled; LP-i-K3Cys + i-E3Cys-OG488).