Figure 1. LH afferents activated during cocaine place preference.
(a) LH inputs from several brain regions are activated during cocaine preference. Note that the percentages of Fos-activated neurons in vBNST that project to LH orexin area were significantly activated during cocaine preference (cocaine conditioned) compared to non-conditioned animals (non-conditioned: saline conditioned or cocaine conditioned animals without a preference) (Non-cond. n=13, Cocaine cond. n=8, *p<0.05 indicates significant difference from non-cond. by t-test). The data shown here for Fos activation of LS afferents to the LH orexin area are from our recent report (Sartor and Aston-Jones 2012). (b) Significant positive correlations between percentages of CTb neurons with Fos in vBNST and preference scores (Pearson’s correlation, r=0.52, *p<0.05). (c) Representative immunohistochemical staining for CTb and Fos in vBNST in cocaine conditioned and non-conditioned animals. Note the substantial increase in the number of Fos-activated neurons in vBNST that project to LH (CTb/Fos doubly labeled neurons) during cocaine preference compared to non-conditioned control animals. Arrows indicate CTb (brown neurons) and Fos (black nuclei) doubly labeled neurons. Scale bar= 100μm.