Figure 4. Injections of 5E1 antibody reduce the levels of en/inv transcripts one day later in both B. anynana and J. coenia.
(A) PCR amplification of en/inv (top) and the house-keeping gene EF1a (bottom) from the same samples after injection of either 5E1 antibody or NS1 vehicle. Samples 1–3: B. anynana NS1; 4–6: B. anynana 5E1; 7–8: J. coenia NS1; 9–10: J. coenia 5E1. (B) Quantification of brightness levels of en/inv PCR amplification relative to brightness levels of the EF1a housekeeping gene (averages from data in A). Asterisk (*) indicates a significant difference in en/inv relative levels between 5E1 and NS1 injections.