Spatial statistics of the observed off-centre receptive field mosaic (Gauthier et al., 2009) (column 1) and three different models (columns 2–4). A, Central region of the mosaics. Each point denotes one receptive field midpoint, and is surrounded by its Voronoi polygon. Scale bar: 250 μm. B, Autocorrelogram of the points in A, with annuli drawn 25 μm apart. C, The G function is the cumulative distribution of nearest-neighbour distances. For the models, the grey region shows the 95% confidence interval of distributions from each model, and the solid line reflects the data (also shown in column 1). D, L functions for data and models, drawn in the same format as for panel C. The dashed line indicates the expectation for CSR, L(t) = t. E, Topological disorder μ2 for 99 simulations (black dots) and for the data (horizontal line).