Fig. 5.
Distribution of FRAP recovery half-times for Orai1α and Orai1β. Half-times of recovery from FRAP were calculated as described in the Materials and Methods. (A) Singly expressed Orai1-GFP isoforms; Orai1α data distributed as two populations, a minor one averaging 26 seconds, and a major one averaging 59 seconds. Orai1β shows a homogenous distribution averaging 23 seconds. The data represent 73 FRAP recovery curves from 18 cells for Orai1α and 64 FRAP recovery curves from 13 cells for Orai1β, from three independent experiments. (B) Coexpressed Orai1α -GFP and Orai1β-mCherry isoforms; Orai1α data distributed as two populations, a minor one averaging 32 seconds, and a major one averaging 64 seconds. Orai1β shows a homogenous distribution averaging 39 seconds. The data represent 54 FRAP recovery curves from 20 cells, from three independent experiments. Scaling cluster sizes (or Δt1/2) were varied, Orai1β (Δt1/2 = 1 sec), Orai1α (Δt1/2 = 2 sec for the faster population and Δt1/2 = 5 sec for the slower population) for clearer presentation. The smooth curves are calculated normal distributions for the data.