Renal cortical Hpx mRNA levels following induction of AKI. Both glycerol and cisplatin (CP) caused significant increases in Hpx mRNA values within renal cortex. In the case of unilateral I/R injury, Hpx mRNA elevations were also observed. However, the values in the unilateral postischemic kidneys were actually lower than those seen in the CL uninjured kidneys. This suggests that the Hpx mRNA elevations following I/R injury were in response to systemic surgical stress, and not I/R injury, per se. In contrast to the relatively modest Hpx mRNA increases following glycerol, cisplatin, or I/R injury, LPS injection evoked massive Hpx mRNA increases, “dwarfing” those seen with the other models. Note the different scales at left vs. right.