Figure 5. Monoassociation with individual community members reveals diet-dependent colonization of a representative Firmicutes species.
(A-D) Colony forming units (CFU) in the intestine (per dissected gut; n=4-5 per condition) or surrounding water (per mL; n=3 per condition) of 6 dpf zebrafish. The results represent the mean ± SEM of at least two independent experiments (n.d., not detected) with identified significant differences: *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; ***, p<0.001.
(A) Density of the conventional microbiota in CONVD zebrafish.
(B-D) Bacterial densities in GF zebrafish monoassociated with (B) Exiguobacterium sp. ZWU0009 (Firmicutes), (C) Chryseobacterium sp. ZOR0023 (Bacteroidetes), or (D) Pseudomonas sp. ZWU0006 (γ-Proteobacteria). See also Table S5.