Fig. 7.
Estrogen modulates PDK4 activity to regulate PDH. A, LG MCF7 cells were transfected with PDK1–4 (separately)-specific siRNAs, recovered for 24 h, and cultured in the presence of serum for 24 h. *, P < 0.05 for control (no siRNA) vs. PDK4 siRNA. B, E2 decreases the level of activated PDK4 in LG cells as measured by the amount of phosphorylated PDHE1α substrate and (C) increases PDK4 activation in HG cells. MCF-7 cells were treated with E2 (1 nm), and PDK4 was immunoprecipitated and added to the PDHE1α subunit. Phosphorylation of the PDH subunit by PDK4 was measured by [32P]ATP labeling. *, P < 0.05 for control (untreated) vs. E2. D, E2 activated PDK4 is not AMPK dependent. LG cultured cells were pretreated with compound C (AMPK inhibitor) before E2 (1 nm) addition. *, P < 0.05 control vs. E2; control vs. CC and E2. The bar graphs represent four experiments combined. CC, Compound C.