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. 2012 Jan 13;415(2):343–358. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2011.11.017

Table 1.

X-ray data collection and refinement statistics

Crystal SpoIIEPD 590–827 (aldohexose) SpoIIEPD 590–827 (Mn) SpoIIEPD 590–827 (SeMet peak) SpoIIEPD 590–827 (SeMet inflection) SpoIIEPD 590–827 (SeMet remote)
Data collection
X-ray source ID14-2, ESRF ID14-4, ESRF I02, DLS I02, DLS I02, DLS
Wavelength (Å) 0.93300 0.93930 0.97950 0.97970 0.9755
Resolution range (Å) 50.00–2.6 50.00–2.76 50.00–3.5 50.00–3.5 50.00–3.5
Space group P6122 P6122 P6122 P6122 P6122
Unit cell parameters
 a = b, c (Å) 87.6, 321.6 86.0, 322.5 86.6, 316.9 86.6, 317.0 86.6, 317.0
 α = β, γ (°)     90,   120     90,   120     90,   120     90,   120     90,   120
Number of unique reflections, overall/outer shella 23,618/1129 19,173/871 9693/459 9,64/460 9680/460
Completeness (%), overall/outer shella 99.9/98.3 99.5/94.8 100.0/100.0 99.8/100.0 99.8/100.0
Redundancy, overall/outer shella 7.3/4.3 16.8/16.1 39.5/40.3.2 19.9/20.5 19.9/20.6
I/σ(I), overall/outer shella 30.4/1.2 64.2/7.7 37.0.9/8.5 35.5/6.7 37.3/6.1
Rmergeb (%), overall/outer shella 6.5/89.0 6.6/39.4 14.9/52.6 12.7/47.0 12.6/48.1

Refinement and model statistics
Resolution range (Å) 43.81–2.6 43.58–2.76
R-factorc (Rfreed) 0.23 (0.29) 0.22 (0.30)
Reflections (working/free) 22,278/1264 18,015/979
Outer-shelleR-factorc (Rfreed) 0.39 (0.38) 0.27 (0.44)
Outer-shell reflections (working/free) 1590/72 1273/73
Molecules per asymmetric unit 2 2
Number of protein non-hydrogen atoms 3393 3425
Number of water and small-molecule atoms 161 37
rmsd from targetf
 Bond lengths (Å) 0.008 0.020
 Bond angles (°) 1.335 2.001
Average B-factor (Å2) 41.2 67.8
Ramachandran plotg 90.2/9.0/0.8/0.0 79.6/17.6/1.5/1.3

The outer shell corresponds to 2.64–2.60 Å [SpoIIEPD 590–827 (aldohexose)], 2.81–2.76 Å [SpoIIEPD 590–827 (Mn)] and 3.56–3.5 Å [SpoIIEPD 590–827 (SeMet)].


Rmerge = ∑hkli|Ii − 〈I〉|/hkliI〉, where Ii is the intensity of the ith measurement of a reflection with indexes hkl, and 〈I〉 is the statistically weighted average reflection intensity.


R-factor = ∑||Fo| − |Fc||/∑|Fo|, where Fo and Fc are the observed and calculated structure factor amplitudes, respectively.


Rfree is the R-factor calculated with 5% of the reflections chosen at random and omitted from refinement.


Outer shell for refinement corresponds to 2.600–2.663 Å (aldohexose), 2.833–2.762.


rmsd of bond lengths and bond angles from ideal geometry.


Percentage of residues in most favored/additionally allowed/generously allowed/disallowed regions of the Ramachandran plot.