A, Distribution and comparison of change in half-lives to the change in concentration for each protein (open circles). The great majority of proteins detected exhibited lower concentrations in liver from CR than from AL mice, and these were almost all associated with longer half-lives, not shorter half-lives. There was no correlation between t ½ and protein concentrations. B, Distribution and comparison of change in total synthesis rates (calculated as the product of k and concentration) to the change in concentration for each protein (open circles). As noted in A, the great majority of proteins detected exhibited lower concentrations in liver from CR than from AL mice, and almost all were associated with lower total synthesis rates rather than increased degradation. Thus, most proteins were in the lower left quadrant (lower concentration, lower total synthesis rate). C, Proteins belonging to selected Gene Ontology (GO) categories showed clustering, with similar changes in both concentration and half-life. D, Changes in total synthesis rates for CR/AL mice for proteins within functionally related selected GO categories. Proteins within a pathway tended to exhibit coordinated changes in total synthesis rates in response to CR.