Table 2.
Demographic and characteristics of TBI Cohort
Discharged to Rehab [N (%)] | Not discharged to Rehab [N (%)] | Total [N (%)] | |
Sex |
Female |
403 (34) |
3717 (34) |
4120 (34) |
Male |
784 (66) |
7066 (66) |
7850 (66) |
Age |
<18 |
21 (2) |
2460 (23) |
2481 (21) |
18-34 |
262 (22) |
1891 (18) |
2153 (18) |
35-54 |
306 (26) |
2114 (20) |
2420 (20) |
55-64 |
144 (12) |
1040 (10) |
1184 (10) |
65-74 |
133 (11) |
1061 (10) |
1194 (10) |
75+ |
321 (27) |
2217 (21) |
2538 (21) |
Residence |
Non-Rural |
1016 (86) |
8570 (80) |
9586 (80) |
Rural |
171 (14) |
2213 (20) |
2384 (20) |
Charlson Comorbidity Index |
0-1 |
1035 (87) |
10018 (93) |
11053 (92) |
2-3 |
132 (11) |
615 (6) |
747 (6) |
4+ |
20 (2) |
150 (1) |
170 (1) |
Inpatient LOS (days) |
1-2 |
5 (0) |
2760 (25) |
2765 (23) |
3-5 |
56 (5) |
2099 (29) |
3155 (26) |
6-11 |
224 (19) |
2451 (23) |
2675 (22) |
12+ |
902 (76) |
2473 (23) |
3375 (28) |
Motor Vehicle Related |
Yes |
416 (35) |
2099 (20) |
2515 (21) |
No |
771 (65) |
8684 (80) |
9455 (79) |
TBI category* |
Fracture of Skull |
440 (37) |
3257 (30) |
3697 (30) |
Intercranial Injury |
1098 (92) |
8916 (82) |
10014 (83) |
Other causes | 30 (2) | 670 (6) | 700 (5) |
* Categories are not mutually exclusive 32% of patients have more than one listed diagnosis.