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. 2012 Nov 20;17(4):493–510. doi: 10.1517/14728214.2012.748036

Table 4.

Summary of studies and clinical trials on LAMB use for VL.

Country/Author/Ref. Study design Regimen used Indication Sample size Efficacy/effectiveness Comments
Ethiopia/Ritmeijer et al.; 2011 [24] Retrospective cohort analysis LAMB 30 mg/kg split over 6 doses* A: Severely ill
B: HIV/VL +/- relapse
A: N = 94
B: N = 195 (79 relapses)
A: IC = 93%
B: IC = 60%
IC among HIV+ relapse patients = 38%
India/Sinha et al.; 2011 [28] Retrospective cohort analysis LAMB 20 – 25 mg/kg split over 4 – 15 days* HIV/VL +/- relapse N = 55 (27 relapses) Survival at 2 years = 85.5% Relapse at 1 and 2 years = 8% and 26.5%
India/Sundar et al.; 2011 [5] Phase III non-inferiority RCT A: ampho B
B: LAMB and MF*
C: LAMB and PM*
D: MF and PM
Primary uncomplicated VL (e.g., no HIV or severely ill) A: N = 157
B: N = 160
C: N = 158
D: N = 159
A: ITT DC = 93%
B: ITT DC = 97.5%
C: ITT DC = 97.5%
D: ITT DC = 98.7%
LAMB regimens were single LAMB doses + MF/PM (7 – 10 days)
India/Sundar et al.; 2011 [34] Non-comparative clinical trial LAMB and MF*
(single dose + 14-day MF)
Primary uncomplicated VL N = 135 ITT DC = 91.9% Some GI side effects noted with MF use
India/Sinha et al.; 2010 [27] Prospective cohort study LAMB 20 mg/kg split over 4 doses* Primary and relapse cases in routine care N = 251 DC = 98.8%
(lost to follow-up = 17.5%)
1% of cases experienced lip swelling
India/Mondal et al.; 2010 [20] Open-label dose finding (Phase II) clinical trial A: LAMB 5 mg/kg
B: LAMB 7.5 mg/kg
C: LAMB 10 mg/kg
(total doses)
Uncomplicated VL A: N = 10
B: N = 10
C: N = 10
A: ITT DC = 60% (5 people excluded)
B: ITT DC = 50%
C: ITT DC = 90%
Fungisome (Lifecare) formulation used
India/Sundar et al.; 2010 [6] Phase III non-inferiority RCT A: ampho B
B: LAMB 10 mg/kg single dose*
Uncomplicated VL A: N = 108
B: N = 306
A: ITT DC = 96.3%
B: ITT DC = 95.7%
Only 1% SAEs (nephro/hepatotoxicity) per group
India/Sundar et al.; 2008 [33] Phase II RCT A: LAMB 5 mg/kg*
B: LAMB 5 mg/kg and MF 10 days*
C: LAMB 5 mg/kg and MF 14 days*
D: LAMB 3.75 mg/kg and MF 14 days*
E: LAMB 5 mg/kg and MF 7 days*
Uncomplicated VL A: N = 45
B: N = 46
C: N = 45
D: N = 45
E: N = 45
A: ITT = 91%
B: ITT = 98%
C: ITT = 96%
D: ITT = 96%
E: ITT = 98%
cure rates are at 9 months follow-up for all groups
All treatments were tolerated to completion, but hepatotoxicity noted especially in group C
Spain/Molina et al.; 2007 [19] Retrospective cohort analysis LAMB 40 mg/kg total initial Rx + 5 mg/kg secondary prophylaxis* HIV co-infected relapses cases N = 17 Free of relapse:
6 months = 89.7%
12 months = 79.1%
36 months = 55.9%
Significant increase seen in CD4 count in the non-relapses
Sudan/Mueller et al.; 2007 [22] Retrospective cohort analysis LAMB 15 – 49 mg/kg given over 6 doses* 52 relapses and 12 complicated cases N = 64 IC = 55% only TB, HIV, initial parasite density linked with failure
Sudan/Mueller et al.; 2006 [21] Retrospective cohort analysis A: SSG alone
B: SSG and LAMB*
C: LAMB alone*
VL in pregnant women A: N = 23
B: N = 4
C: N = 12
IC = 100% all groups;
13 abortions noted in group A, none in B and C
LAMB appears safer than SSG in pregnant women with VL
India/Sanath et al.; 2005 [25] Post-marketing cohort study LAMB 1 – 3 mg/kg/day for 7 – 76 days Mixed population in routine care 91 out of 144 assessed for cure IC = 73.6%,
8.7% had no response
Fungisome (Lifecare) used,
no drug-related SAEs noted
Greece/Kafetzis et al.; 2005 [18] Retrospective cohort analysis A: MA (20 mg/kg for 21 days)
B: LAMB varying doses*
Children under the age of 15 A: N = 10
B: N = 19
All patients initially cured, no relapses noted after Shorter median hospitalization with LAMB
(19 vs 7 days)
Italy/Cascio et al.; 2004 [14] Retrospective cohort analysis LAMB 3 mg/kg in 6 doses over 10 days* HIV negative children under the age of 15 N = 164 IC = 100%
4.3% relapsed 3 – 15 months after
All relapses cured with LAMB (total dose 30 mg/kg)
India/Sundar et al.; 2004 [32] Open-label RCT A: ampho B
B: LAMB 2 mg/kg/5 days*
Uncomplicated VL A: N = 51
B: N = 51
A: ITT DC = 96%
B: ITT DC = 96%
2 patients in group A died, 2 failures in group B
India/Sundar et al.; 2003 [30] Non-comparative clinical trial LAMB 7.5 mg/kg single dose* Uncomplicated VL N = 203 ITT IC = 96%
ITT DC = 90%
Few AEs noted, mainly infusion reactions
Italy/Pagliano et al.; 2003 [23] Retrospective cohort analysis A: MA (20 mg/kg for 21 days)
B: LAMB 3 mg/kg in 6 doses over 10 days*
HIV negative adults A: N = 24
B: N = 40
After 2 years post-treatment:
A: 12% failures
B: 5% failures
Faster recovery time noted with LAMB
Greece/Syriopoulou et al.; 2003 [35] Prospective study LAMB 10 mg/kg over 2 days* HIV negative children N = 41 DC = 98% Fast recovery time, mild infusion related reactions in < 10% of patients
India/Sundar et al.; 2002 [31] Double-blind Phase II RCT A: LAMB 3.75 mg/kg over 5 days*
B: LAMB 7.5 mg/kg over 5 days*
A: LAMB 15 mg/kg over 5 days*
Refractory cases to antimonials A: N = 28
B: N = 28
C: N = 28
A: ITT DC = 89%
B: ITT DC = 93%
C: ITT DC = 97%
Mild/moderate infusion-related reactions were common
India/Sundar et al.; 2001 [29] Open-label Phase II RCT A: LAMB 5 mg/kg single dose*
B: LAMB 5 mg/kg over 5 days*
Uncomplicated VL A: N = 46
B: N = 45
A: ITT DC = 91%
B: ITT DC = 93%
Mild infusion-related reactions were common
India/Thakur; 2001 [36] Open-label RCT A: LAMB 15 mg/kg single dose*
B: ampho B (1 mg/kg × 20 days)
Uncomplicated VL A: N = 17
B: N = 17
A: ITT DC = 100%
B: ITT DC = 100%
Fewer adverse events noted in the LAMB group
India/Bodhe et al.; 1999 [13] Dosing study
(Phase II) clinical trial
Various doses of LAMB ranging from 1 mg/kg for 21 days to 3 mg/kg for 7 days Primary and relapse cases N = 63 Cure rates varied from 90 to 100% depending on dose Used L-AMP-LRC 1 (liposome pharmacology center)
India, Kenya, Brazil/
Berman et al.; 1998 [12]
Phase II dose ranging clinical trial A: LAMB 14 mg/kg total dose*
B: LAMB 10 mg/kg total dose*
C: LAMB 6 mg/kg total dose*
D: LAMB 20 mg/kg total dose (Brazil only)*
Groups were done sequentially
in descending doses;
parallel studies done in India, Kenya and Brazil
A: N = 10 (India, Kenya) N = 13 (Brazil)
B: N = 10 (India, Kenya)
C: N = 10
(India, Kenya)
D: N = 15 (Brazil only)
India: 100% DC rates in A, B, C
Kenya: 100%, 80% and 20% DC in A, B, C
Brazil: 62% and 83% DC in groups A and D, respectively
Differential efficacy seen across 3 continents with India > Kenya ≥ Brazil
Italy/di Martino et al.; 1997 [17] Prospective study LAMB various doses* Pediatric population N = 106 Up to 100% 18 mg/kg total identified as the optimum dose
Italy, Brazil, UK/
Davidson et al.; 1996 [15]
Dose decreasing (Phase II) clinical trial A: LAMB 24 mg/kg total dose*
B: LAMB 18 mg/kg total dose*
C: LAMB 15 mg/kg total dose*
D: LAMB 12 mg/kg total dose*
(split into 6 doses)
Adult and pediatric population
Uncomplicated VL
A: N = 13
B: N = 42
C: N = 32
D: N = 1
Cure at 1 year = A: 10/13 (3 LTFU were IC)
B: 41/42 (1 relapse)
C: 29/32 (1 failure, 2 relapse)
D: 1/1
Treatment well tolerated with no cessation of treatment; and well tolerated in children
Sudan/Seaman et al.; 1995 [26] Open label, dosing (Phase II) clinical trial A: LAMB 3 – 5 mg/kg × 3 doses*
B: LAMB 3 – 5 mg/kg × 6 doses*
C: LAMB 4 – 5 mg/kg × 4 doses*
Relapse and complicated (severely ill) cases included A: N = 16
B: N = 16
A: 50% cured
B: 88% cured
C: 64% cured
Long-term follow-up not done
Europe/Davidson et al.; 1994 [16] Open label, dosing (Phase II) clinical trial A: LAMB 1 – 1.38 mg/kg × 21 doses*
B: LAMB 3 mg/kg × 10 doses*
C: LAMB 1.38 – 1.85 mg/kg × 21 doses*
Gp A and B were immune-competent
Gp C was immune-compromised
A: N = 10
B: N = 10
C: N = 11
Cure rates at over 12 months:
A: 100%
B: 100%
C: 27% (100% were IC)
Groups A and B were largely made up of children; Group C included adults only

Country denotes where patients were recruited.

*Denotes when AmBisome (currently Gilead, previously Vestar) was used.

AE: Adverse event; ampho B: Conventional amphotericin B 15 mg/kg total dose; DC: Definitive cure at 6 months; indication is for type of VL (primary, relapse, HIV co-infected); IC: Initial cure; ITT: Intention to treat; LAMB: Liposomal amphotericin B; MA: Meglumine antimoniate; MF: Miltefosine; PM: Paromomycin; RCT: Randomised controlled trial; SAE: Serious adverse event; VL: Visceral leishmaniasis.