Figure 1.
Immunohistochemistry photomicrographs for select markers in the tumor epithelium or stroma of representative endometrial carcinomas in the GOG#119 tissue microarrays (TMAs). Representative expression of low E-cadherinE (T1-lowest tertile) [A] compared with high E-cadherinE (T3-highest tertile) [B]. The inset shows a cross section of the TMA core of (A). Representative endometrial carcinoma exhibiting no N-cadherin expression (negative) [C] compared with high N-cadherinE expression [D]. The inset shows that stromal elements are negative for N-cadherin [D]. Representative endometrial carcinoma displaying no p16 expression (negative) [E] compared with high p16E expression in the nucleus and cytoplasm of representative carcinoma cells [F]. The inset shows a cross section of the TMA core in panel F and displays that expression is confined to tumor and non-tumor tissue (bottom of the TMA) is negative for p16.