Figure 3. Protein typing of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM)-derived MVs from cell lines and patient samples.
(a) GBM markers (EGFR, EGFRvIII, PDGFR, PDPN, EphA2 and IDH1 R132H), positive MV control marker (HSP90) as well as host cell markers (CD41, MHCII) were profiled in both parental cells (left) and their corresponding MVs (right). A four GBM marker combination (EGFR, EGFRvIII, PDPN and IDH1 R132H) was able to distinguish GBM-derived MVs from host cell-derived MVs. HBMVEC, human brain microvascular endothelial cell; NHA, normal human astrocyte; buffy coat and plasma were isolated from whole blood donated by healthy volunteers. (b) Analysis of clinical patient samples. Waterfall plots show the expression levels of different biomarkers sorted from high (left) to low (right). Note the increased expression of EGFR and PDPN, as well as the unique expression of EGFRvIII and IDH1 R132H, in patient samples. (c) Receiver operating characteristic curves (left) were generated to compare the detection sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of each marker. Overall, the accuracy was < 76% for a single marker alone (right). When all markers were combined (QUAD), the detection accuracy considerably improved (> 90%). AUC: area under curve.