Fig. 6. Fluid drinking affected by CRF-R1 antagonist in DRN.
Vehicle (v) aCSF, 0.3, and 0.6 μg CP-154,526 were microinjected into the dorsal raphé nucleus (DRN) of mice given intermittent access (a, n=8) or continuous access to alcohol (b, n=8). High ethanol-preferring Long-Evans rats (c, n=7) or low ethanol-preferring rats (d, n=9) were also tested for intra-DRN modulations of fluid drinking. Mean fluid intake in milliliters (ml) over the initial 2 hr access period is displayed ± SEM. Both 20% ethanol (black circles) and water (white circles) intake were measured in the two-bottle choice procedure. * p < .05 compared to vehicle, ** p < .001 compared to vehicle.