Fig 5.
Forest plots summarizing multivariable analyses for (A) complete remission (CR), (B) disease-free survival (DFS), and (C) overall survival (OS) in younger and older patients. (A) Odds ratios (ORs) of less than 1 indicate lower CR rate for the first category listed for the categorical variables and the higher values of the continuous variables. (B and C) Hazard ratios (HRs) greater than 1 indicate higher risks and those less than 1 indicate lower risks of relapse or death (DFS) or death (OS) for the first category listed for the categorical variables and the higher values of the continuous variables. Variables considered for inclusion in the multivariable models had to have a univariable P value of less than .2 and were as follows for younger patients: for CR, European LeukemiaNet (ELN) groups, age (in 10-year increments), sex (male v female), and extramedullary involvement (present v absent); for DFS, ELN groups, WBC count (in 50-unit increments), platelets (in 50-unit increments), and extramedullary involvement; for OS, ELN groups, age, WBC count, sex, and extramedullary involvement; and for older patients: for CR, ELN groups, age, WBC count, and platelets; for DFS, ELN groups, platelets, sex, and extramedullary involvement; for OS, ELN groups, age, and sex. Only variables that were significant remained in the final models and are depicted in the forest plots.