Figure 4.
Pcdh-15+cdh-23 complex formation, its Ca2+-dependence, and the role of the deafness mutation R113G, probed using analytical size exclusion chromatography (SEC). Individual traces represent independent experiments. a, top, SEC traces for pcdh-15 and cdh-23 with Ca2+ (red and blue) or with 5 mM EGTA (purple and cyan). A shift upon Ca2+ removal by EGTA was observed for pcdh-15 (purple vs. red curves). middle, SEC traces for pcdh-15+cdh-23 in the presence of Ca2+ (light green) or 5 mM EGTA (dark green). The summation of a purple and a cyan curve from above is shown as a dashed line. The EGTA-treated complex behaved as the sum of its EGTA-treated components, indicating Ca2+-dependent complex formation. bottom, Coomassie-stained SDS-PAGE of eluted fractions from EGTA-treated proteins. b, top, SEC traces for mutant pcdh-15R113G alone (maroon), and mixed with cdh-23 (orange). Wild-type proteins from (a) are shown for comparison. bottom, Coomassie-stained SDS-PAGE of eluted fractions aligned to chromatogram. A reproducible shift in elution volume was observed for the wild-type (green) but not for the mutant mixture (pcdh-15R113G+cdh-23; orange). The shifted peak (1.61 ml) contained both proteins (1.56 to 1.64 ml fractions).