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. 2012 Dec;102(12):e103–e110. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2012.301094


Estimates of Percentage Changes for Age 15 Years or Older per Capita Alcohol Consumption Associated With 1% Minimum Price Increase: Saskatchewan, Canada, April 2008–March 2012

Beverage Type No. Affected/Total No. On–Premise Consumption, % (95% CI) Off–Premise Consumption, % (95% CI) Total Alcohol Consumption, % (95% CI)
Beer, %/volume 37/415
 ≤ 6.5 27/394 –0.783*** (–1.058, –0.509) –0.883*** (–1.287, –0.478) –0.817*** (–1.156, –0.479)
 > 6.5 10/21 –2.420* (–4.606, –0.235) –2.514** (–4.084, –0.944) –2.200* (–4.044, –0.356)
Spirits, %/volume 77/542
 < 45 72/511 –0.860** (–1.410, –0.310) –0.710** (–1.170, –0.249) –0.686** (–1.139, –0.233)
 ≥ 45 5/31 0.164 (−0.186, 0.515) 0.003 (−0.337, 0.343) −0.074 (−0.382, 0.233)
Wine, %/volume 79/1259
 < 16 68/1196 −0.152 (−0.671, 0.367) −0.316 (−0.737, 0.105) −0.260 (−0.627, 0.107)
 ≥ 16 11/63 –0.476*** (–0.731, –0.222) –0.554*** (–0.701, –0.408) –0.551*** (–0.698, –0.404)
Coolers,a %/volume 14/108
 < 6 0/56 0.002 (−0.158, 0.162) –0.183*** (–0.328, –0.039) –0.189** (–0.319, –0.059)
 ≥ 6 14/52 0.009 (−0.117, 0.134) –0.127** (–0.208, –0.046) 0.004 (−0.148, 0.156)
Cocktails,a %/volume 9/53
 < 35 0/44 0.049 (−0.074, 0.173) 0.001 (−0.141, 0.142) 0.004 (−0.148, 0.156)
 ≥ 35 9/9 –0.505* (–0.983, –0.027) –0.530** (–0.824, –0.236) –0.421** (–0.691, –0.152)
Liqueurs,a %/volume 0/165
 < 23 0/124 −0.029 (−0.063, 0.006) –0.066** (–0.105, –0.027) –0.053** (–0.087, –0.019)
 ≥ 23 0/41 0.069 (−0.015, 0.154) −0.018 (−0.125, 0.088) 0.009 (−0.078, 0.096)

Note. CI = confidence interval. Estimates (%) from the independent time-series analyses were each adjusted for the effects of one another as well as low or high content alcohol consumption, trend (time 1, 2, …, 52), seasonality (deseasonalized), and autoregressive or moving-average effects.


The percentage changes in cooler, cocktail, and liqueur consumption from before to after April 1, 2010 can be calculated by 100*coefficient of estimate in each case.

*P < .05 **P < .01 ***P < .001. P values determined by t-test.