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. 2012 Dec;102(12):e83–e89. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2012.301025


Clinical Characteristics of Sample Using Either a Primary Care Provider or the Emergency Department as a Usual Source of Health Care at Baseline: Collaborative Initiative to Help End Chronic Homelessness, United States, February 2004–April 2006.

Characteristic Usual PCP (n = 544), Mean or % No Usual PCP—Use ED (n = 206), Mean or % Pa
Any medical problem, 71.1 50.2 .001
No. of medical problems 4.5 3.6 .001
Diabetes 10.1 7.3 .24
HIV 5.9 1.0 .004
Asthma or COPD 20.9 21.7 .82
SF–12, PCS 43.80 47.31 .001
Alcohol abuse 52.9 54.4 .73
Drug abuse 52.0 60.7 .03
Schizophrenia 17.8 18.0 .97
Posttraumatic stress disorder 6.8 3.9 .13
Depression 28.9 24.8 .26
Brief Symptom Inventory, 0–4 1.51 1.45 .39
SF–2, MCS 39.29 38.98 .66
Observed psychosis scale, 0–3 0.22 0.23 .32
Addiction Severity Index
 Alcohol 0.12 0.14 .32
 Drug 0.05 0.06 .11
Health insurance all 12 mo of previous y 65.5 31.9 .001
Past 3 mo, covered by
 Medicaid 27.0 24.1 .43
 Medicare 7.7 7.9 .95
 Department of Veterans Affairs 16.0 11.8 .15
 State assistance 41.1 18.3 .001
 Private 1.8 0.5 .17
 Other 3.1 0 .01
 None 18.8 43.9 .001
Trouble paying for health care in the past 3 mo 26.3 47.5 .001

Note. COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ED = emergency department; PCS = mental health composite subscale; PCP = primary care provider; PCS = physical composite subscale; SF–12 = Medical Outcomes Study Short Form. The 11 communities funded through the collaborative were Chattanooga, TN; Chicago, IL; Columbus, OH; Denver, CO; Fort Lauderdale, FL; Los Angeles, CA; Martinez, CA; New York City, NY; Philadelphia, PA; Portland, OR; and San Francisco, CA.


P values were determined using the χ2 or t test.