Figure 5.
Effect sizes for all trained versus control comparisons on the modulation-depth-discrimination conditions. Partial η2 effect sizes of the group (trained vs control) × session (pre vs post) interaction in ANOVA using time as a repeated measure. A–D, Effect sizes are shown for spectral modulation (SM; A) and temporal modulation (TM; B), as well as for upward (C) and downward (D) spectrotemporal modulation (STM+ and STM−, respectively). For each modulation, the effect size is shown for the listeners who were trained on that modulation (TRN) as well as for those who were trained on other modulations. Asterisks indicate that the interaction was significant (p < 0.05). For each depth-discrimination condition, the effect size was at least twice as large when it was trained than when it was not.