Burkus et al 1 (2010) Prestige C-ADR N = 541 Male: 46% Mean age: 43.6 (22–73) y C-ADR: n = 276 Male: 46.4% Mean age: 43.3 (25–72) y Fusion: n = 265 Male: 46.0% Mean age: 43.9 (22–73) y |
Adults >18 years of age
Single-level symptomatic DDD between C3-7
Intractable radiculopathy, myelopathy or both
NDI scores ≥ 30
VAS neck pain scores ≥ 20
Preserved motion at the symptomatic level found in all included patients
Unresponsive to ≥ 6 weeks conservative treatment or progressive neurological worsening despite conservative treatment
No previous procedures at the operative level
Negative for several radiographic findings, medications, and diagnoses
Multilevel symptomatic DDD or evidence of cervical instability
Sagittal plane translation of > 3.5 mm or sagittal plane angulation of >20° at a single level
Symptomatic C2-C3 or C7-T1 disc disease
Previous surgery at the involved level
Severe facet joint disease at the involved level
History of discitis
Medical condition that required long-term use of medication, such as steroid or nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs that could affect bone quality and fusion rates
Sasso et al 2 (2011) Bryan C-ADR N = 463 Male: 48% Mean age: 44.5 (25–78) y C-ADR: n = 242 Male: 45.5% Mean age: 44.4 (25–78) y Fusion: n = 221 Male: 51.1% Mean age: 44.7 (27–68) y |
DDD at single level between C3 and C7
Disc herniation with radiculopathy, spondylotic radiculopathy, disc herniation with myelopathy, or spondylotic myelopathy
6 weeks minimum unsuccessful conservative unless myelopathy requiring immediate treatment
CT, myelography and CT, and/or MRI demonstration of need for surgical treatment
≥21 years old
Preoperative NDI ≥ 30 and minimum one clinical sign associated with level to be treated
Willing to sign informed consent and comply with protocol
Significant cervical anatomical deformity
Moderate to advanced spondylosis
Any combination of bridging osteophytes, marked reduction, or absence of motion
Collapse of intervertebral disc space of > 50% normal height, radiographic signs of subluxation > 3.5 mm, angulation of disc space > 11° greater than adjacent segments, significant kyphotic deformity or reversal or lordosis
Axial neck pain as solitary symptom
Previous cervical spine surgery
Metabolic bone disease
Active systemic infection or infection at operative site
Known allergy to components of titanium, polyurethane, ethylene oxide residuals
Concomitant conditions requiring steroid treatment
Daily insulin management
Extreme obesity
Medical condition which may interfere with postoperative management program or may result in death before study completion
Current or recent alcohol and/or drug abuser
Signs of being geographically unstable