Figure 3. Simvastatin increased enzymatic activities and protein levels of PP2A of MCAO rats in hippocampus CA1 region. A:
the enzymatic activities detected with serine/threonine phosphatase assay system; the free phosphate (pmol) calculated from the optical density of the sample at 600 nm; values expressed as means ± SEM of 6 rats; **P<0.01, MCAO vs. sham group; *P<0.05, vehicle+MCAO vs. sham group; ##P<0.01, sim+MCAO vs. MCAO group; &&P<0.01, sim+MCAO vs. vehicle+MCAO group. B: representative blots showing the levels of PP2A in each group. C: semiquantitative analysis of the levels of PP2A; values expressed as means ± SEM of 6 rats; *P<0.05, MCAO vs. sham group, vehicle+MCAO vs. sham group; #P<0.05, sim+MCAO vs. MCAO group; & P<0.05, sim+MCAO vs. vehicle+MCAO group. Sim, Simvastatin.