SHH enhances CXCL12-induced CXCR4 signaling in GNP cells. A, CXCL12-induced (1 µg/mL) calcium flux was measured in P6 GNPs in the absence (PBS, black tracings) or presence (preSHH, gray tracings) of 1 µg/mL SHH pretreatment. Arrows indicate the start of CXCL12 treatment. Representative fluorescence ratios (340/380) from 2 individual cells from each treatment group are presented. B, mean and SEM for differences between peak calcium flux ratios without SHH pretreatment (white bar) or with SHH pretreatment (black bar) was determined from 3 separate experiments with 5 groups of cells analyzed per experiment. **, P < 0.001 as determined by 2 tailed t-test.