Sella turcica (S) |
Midpoint of pituitary fossa on the skull |
A point (A) |
Position of deepest concavity on the anterior profile of the maxilla |
B point (B) |
Position of deepest concavity on the anterior profile of the mandibular symphysis |
D point (D) |
The geometric centre of the symphysis |
Gnathion (Gn) |
Most anteroinferior point on the symphysis of the chin |
Menton (Me) |
Most inferior point on the symphysis of the mandible |
Anterior nasal spine (Ans) |
The tip of the bony anterior nasal spine, in the median plane |
Posterior nasal spine (Pns) |
Most posterior and middle point on the contour of the bony palate |
Pogonion (Pog) |
The most anterior point of the chin on the mandible in the midline |
Orbitale (Or) |
Midpoint of the bilateral infraorbital margin |
Porion (Po) |
Superior surface of the external auditory meatus |
Gonion (Go) |
Most inferior and posterior points at the right and left angles of the mandible |
Nasion (N) |
Junction of the nasal and frontal bones in the midline |
Basion (Ba) |
Most inferior point of the occipital bone |
U1i |
Tip of the incisal edge of the more anteriorly placed upper central incisor |
U1a |
The point of intersection between the long axis of the more anteriorly positioned upper central incisor and the contour of that tooth's root |
L1i |
The tip of the incisal edge of the more anteriorly placed lower central incisor |
L1a |
The point of intersection between the long axis of the more anteriorly positioned lower central incisor and the contour of that tooth's root |