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. 2010 Jan;39(1):57–63. doi: 10.1259/dmfr/96330046

Table 1. Clinical information on 20 cases of ossifying fibroma.

Case no. Gender Age (years) Chief complaint Oral examination
1 F 39 A painless swelling in the right mandible for 6 months A painless hard mass approximately 4×5×4 cm3 in the right mandibular angle region with the expansion of the right mandible well defined
2 F 6 Painless expansion of the left mandible for 25 days A hard and fixed mass with buccolingual expansion
3 F 45 A painless mass in the left mandible for more than 2 years A hard and immovable mass in the left mandible
4 F 30 Expansion of the mandible for 6 months A hard and fixed mass in the anterior teeth region, with buccolingual expansion of the bone
5 F 31 A swelling in the right mandible for several days A painless mass in the lingual surface of the right mandible, about 6 × 3 cm2
6 M 38 A painless swelling in the left mandible for more than 10 years A raised hard mass approximately 1.5 cm in diameter in the anterior teeth region of the left mandible, the second incisor and the canine shifting because of the mass
7 F 20 Expansion of the left face for 1.5 months A swelling in the left hard palate from the first premolar to the second molar
8 F 12 A symptomless mass for 2 weeks A hard mass with buccolingual expansion in the left mandible
9 F 12 An osteal swelling at the chin for 8 years Bulging in the anterior teeth area of the mandible
10 M 17 A swelling in the left face for 3 years, and recent rapid development A hard expansion in the premolar region of the left mandible with the lingual displacement of the premolars
11 M 30 A painless osteal mass in the right maxilla for 7 years A hard and fixed mass in the right maxilla, about 4×3×1.5 cm, with the absence of the maxillary right canine to the second molar
12 M 45 A painless swelling in the left mandible for more than 1 year, with recent pain A hard mass in the posterior teeth region with local mucosa erosion
13 M 15 Right facial deformity for more than 8 years A giant mass in the right face with the expansion of the hard palate
14 M 12 A painless bulge in the right mandible for more than 4 years A fixed and well-defined mass, approximately 5 cm in diameter, with two soft and movable lymph nodes in the neck
15 M 35 Cellulitis of submandibular space for 5 days A hard mass in the right mandible, 3 cm in diameter
16 M 33 Bulging in the mandible for more than 7 years, recurring 6 months after operation Expansion of the whole mandible, about 10×8×7 cm3
17 F 20 A swelling in the right maxilla for 10 months A hard mass, about 2.5 cm in diameter with the absence of 7-4, first premolar to second molar
18 F 44 A symptomless mass in the right mandible for more than 2 months A fixed osteal mass in the anterior region
19 F 57 A bulging in the right mandible for more than 10 years Buccal expansion of the right mandible with the absence of the second and third molars
20 M 15 A symptomless swelling mass for more than 6 months A round hard and smooth mass in the right mandible, about 5 cm in diameter, the first and second molars lingual displacing