Figure 3.
PD-L1 expressed by a nonhematopoietic radioresistant, and not radiosensitive, cell is responsible for LEC-mediated FH cell deletion. (A) Representative and (B) cumulative data of FH or PD-L1−/− FH cells transferred into tyrosinase+, Batf3−/− tyrosinase+, CD11c-cre+R26DTA tyrosinase+, PD-L1−/− tyrosinase+, tyrosinase+ treated with control encapsomes or clodronate liposomes, or albino recipients. ***P = .0001, ##P = .0059 (2-tailed, unpaired t test; error bars, SEM). (C) Representative data of FH cells transferred into recipient bone marrow chimeras lacking PD-L1 expression in either the hematopoietic or nonhematopoietic compartment. (A-C) LNs were harvested 7 days postadoptive transfer. Boxes represent the percentage of TCD8 that are FH or PD-L1−/− FH cells in the LN of recipient mice. Data represent 2 to 10 mice per condition from 1 to 7 independent experiments.