Figure 1.
Morphological phenotype of the Arabidopsis sk156 mutant. (A) 30-d-old rosette plants. (B) 8-week-old mature plants. (C) 30-d-old plant leaves. WT on top, sk156 on bottom. (D) Flowers, showing trichome-bearing sk156 sepals (right). (E) Siliques at 14 days post-anthesis. (F) Trichome enhancement on cauline stems and leaves of sk156. (G) Enhanced rosette leaf and branch numbers (insert defines branch order). Data were the mean of thirty 8-week-old plants. MB, main stem; RL, rosette leaves. A Duncan's multiple range test showed significant differences of the means (± standard deviation) between mutant lines and WT at p < 0.01 (**) and p < 0.05 (*).