Table 1.
Data Sources for Tanzanian Cost Analysis of HPV Vaccine Introduction.
Data | Source |
Number of 10 year old girls | UNDP |
Number of health facilities, types and number of health staff | MOHSW |
Number of primary schools | Ministry of Education |
Health Staff Salaries | cMYP |
Unit Costs of hall rentals, facilitator fees, and other meetingexpenses, production of IEC materialsa | Survey of local costs |
Unit costs of supplies | MOHSW, WHO |
Transport allowances and per diems | MOHSW, WHO |
Exchange and inflation rates | Ministry of Finance |
Vaccine cost | Estimate from GAVI Alliance 2011 |
aThe unit cost of hall rentals, for example, includes the cost per day per hall rental for a meeting or training. This unit cost is multiplied by the number of days of a meeting or training to get the cost of hall rental per training or meeting. cMYP, Comprehensive Multi-Year Plan (Tanzania); GAVI, Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization; MOHSW, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare; UNDP, United Nations Development Plan; WHO, World Health Organization.