Figure 2: Atrial arrhythmias in DN-MSTN TG13 mice.
Representative ECG tracings from DN-MSTN TG13 mice and Wild Types. Abbreviations: S = surface electrocardiogram, A = atrial electrogram, V = ventricular electrogram, AP = atrial pacing.
A. Representative ECG tracings with QRS complexes from WT (left) and DN-MSTN TG13 (right) animals. Note the enlarged P wave and broad QRS complex in DN-MSTN TG13 compared with WT. B. Representative surface tracing from a DN-MSTN TG13 mouse with spontaneous, sustained AF at 650 bpm. C. Sinus Rhythm in wild-type animal at 357 bpm. D. Spontaneous and sustained atrial tachycardia with ventricular rate 352 bpm, atrial rate 610 bpm. E. Atrial Tachycardia induced with extrastimuli atrial stimulation with S1/S2 of 100/80 ms.