Figure 6.
Chromosomal aneuploidy or CNVs cannot account for the increased incidence of VSD in Nkx2-5+/- animals born to older mothers. Representative plots of the PCR products for the two alleles of a SNP genotyping assay are shown. In a typical 96-well assay (left panel), no animal is flagged as having a SNP CNV. In contrast (right panel), control samples that contain unequal mixtures of parental DNA in 2:1 or 3:1 ratios are consistently flagged as potential CNVs, based on a SNP allele ratio that falls below a defined clustering strength (circled circles) or lies outside the Gaussian distribution cluster (circled triangles) for heterozygotes (C57Bl/6:FVB/N genotype, C/F) or homozygotes (C57Bl/6 or FVB/N, C/C or F/F).