Figure 5.
MITF/DNA interactions with the M-box (top panel) and E-box (bottom panel) motifs. (Left) Schematic presentation, highlighting base-specific interactions in bold and remaining hydrogen bond interactions in regular characters. Hydrogen bonds are indicated with dashed arrows. (Right) Zoom into specific protein/DNA interactions for each M-box/E-box half-site, corresponding to respective boxes in the schematic presentation in the panels to the left. To indicate the relations, each of the panels are connected by arrows and are labeled I and II. The residues that are involved in specific hydrogen bonds are labeled. T-4 and vis-à-vis Ile212 from the protomer of the MITF/M-box complex are colored in yellow. Only those hydrogen bonds recognized by the Pymol software (Schrödinger) and with distances of <3.5 Å are indicated. For the sake of clarity, protein hydrogen bonds with the phosphate backbone of M-box/E-box motifs are not shown in the panels to the right.