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. 2012 Jun 13;21(1):55–61. doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2012.117

Table 1. List of three CMMR-D patients with agenesis of the corpus callosum and cerebral heterotopias.

Patient Gene Mutations Family history Malignant tumors (age in years at diagnosis or at death of disease) Signs of neurofibromatosis or other non-neoplastic features Results of microsatellite instability (MSI) Results of immunohistochemical analysis in tumor Reference
1 PMS2 c.(2397_2400del)+(2397_2400del) p.(Ser801GlufsX15)+(Ser801GlufsX15) Consanguineous parents (paternal grandfather and maternal grandmother are sibs); no FH of cancer (one brother died at early age of unknown cause) B-cell NHL (9 years), muco-epidermoïd carcinoma of the parotis (11 years), T-cell NHL (11.5 years) >10 CALMs; MRI-brain: ACC, interhemisferic cyst, heterotopia; decreased IgA levels (total 0.18 g/l); IgG and IgM in normal range with 7.7 and 0.84 g/l, respectively No MSI in parotis cancer and surrounding normal parotid tissue and in T-cell NHL MLH1/MSH2/MSH6/PMS2: +/+/+/− (in parotis cancer and in T-cell NHL) This report
2 MLH1 c.(218T>G)+(218T>G) p.(Leu73Arg)+(Leu73Arg) No known consanguinity (parents both from same Pacific Island population); maternal grandfather (50 years), great aunt (48 years) and great-great grandfather (79 years) CRC; paternal FH unknown Glioblastoma multiforme (3 years) T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma (5.5 years) >15 CALMs, renal cysts; MRI-brain: near complete ACC, interhemispheric cyst, frontal heterotopia, intracerebral cysts (angiomas?) NA MLH1/MSH2/MSH6/PMS2: −/+/+/− (in glioblastoma and in T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma) This report
3 PMS2 c.(538−?_803+?del)+(1121dupA) p.(Glu180HisfsX30)+(Gln375AlafsX7) No consanguinity, no FH of CRC Anaplastic astrocytoma of the cervicothoracic spinal cord (3 years), T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma (5.5 years) No CALMs, capillary haemangioma; MRI-brain: ACC NA MLH1/MSH2/MSH6/PMS2: −(a)/+/+/− (in anaplastic astrocytoma) This report
4 PMS2 c.(1840A>T)+(1840A>T) p.(Lys614X)+(Lys614X) Consanguineous parents (paternal and maternal grandfather are sibs); identical twin anaplastic oligodendroglioma (no ACC!), mother endometrial cancer (56 years), maternal grandmother and maternal great-grandmother and uncle CRC (52, 80 and 60 years), paternal grandmother cancer of paranasal sinus (62 years) Adenocarcinoma of sigmoid colon (14 years) astrocytoma grade III (19 years) Multiple ‘congenital compound nevi' (CALMs); MRI-brain: ACC; hypogammaglobulinemia as infant (attributed to Transcobalamin II deficiency) No MSI in glioma and CRC MLH1/MSH2/MSH6/PMS2: +/+/+/− (in glioma, CRC and normal brain and colonic tissue) Gururangan et al29

Abbreviations: ACC, agenesis of corpus callosum; CALMs, café-au lait macules; CMMR-D, constitutional mismatch repair deficiency; CRC, colorectal cancer; FH, family history; MSI, microsatellite instability; NA, not analyzed; NHL, non-hodgkin lymphoma; +, positive IHC staining; −, negative IHC staining.

GenBank reference sequences for PMS2 and MLH1 are NM_000535.5 and NM_000249.3, respectively.


MLH1 loss only in the tumor cells but not in the non-neoplastic cells.