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. 2012 Sep 12;110(1):3–9. doi: 10.1038/hdy.2012.56

Table 3. Posterior means and 95% highest posterior density intervals (HPD; in parenthesis) for heritability estimates, genetic and phenotypic correlations obtained with the four models considered in the study and mean correlation between individual EBVs obtained from five sub-dataset samples for each model.

Item Model
h2D 0.122 (0.094 to 0.150) 0.099 (0.073 to 0.125) 0.381 (0.330 to 0.433) 0.265 (0.214 to 0.317)
h2C 0.335 (0.297 to 0.737) 0.215 (0.172 to 0.259)
h2TOT 0.122 (0.094 to 0.150) 0.099 (0.073 to 0.125) 0.005 (−0.005 to 0.015) 0.014 (−0.006 to 0.033)
raD,C −0.995 (−1.007 to −0.983) −0.976(−1.018 to −0.938)
rPeD,C −0.259 (−0.279 to −0.239) −0.276(−0.296 to −0.256) −0.279 (−0.298 to −0.260)
rEBVc 0.746 0.726 0.847 0.855

h2D is the direct heritability for social dominance (measured as a ratio of direct variance on the total phenotype, as Inline graphic is the indirect heritability Inline graphic, and h2TOT is the TBV computed as Inline graphic


raD,C is the genetic correlation for direct and indirect effects (that is, σaD,C/(σ2aDσ2aC)0.5), rPeD,C is the phenotypic correlation for the same components, calculated as Inline graphic


rEBV is the average correlation between direct EBVs estimated from five sub-datasets (that is, 13 610±236 data) obtained after retaining about half of the dataset (that is, 5452±33 cows). ±Correlations were carried out on the EBV of individuals shared by each sub-dataset (that is, 2902±36 cows) and were averaged for each model.