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. 2012 Aug 15;110(1):19–28. doi: 10.1038/hdy.2012.49

Table 2. Segregation of S-haplotypes in relation to survival to 4 weeks of age in enforced selfed progeny derived from the three parental backgrounds.

  N Y O (E)
Selfed progeny PB1 (S1S39)
S1S1 1 3 4 (10)
S1S39 12 18 30 (20)
S39S39 3 3 6 (10)
 Probability 0.762a 0.00654b
Selfed progeny PB2 (S3S23)
S3S3 1 7 8 (13)
S3S23 5 9 14 (26)
S23S23 9 21 30 (13)
 Probability 0.577a 0.000003b
Selfed progeny PB3 (S1S23)
S1S1 1 8 9 (10.5)
S1S23 3 19 22 (21)
S23S23 1 10 11 (10.5)
 Probability 1.00a 0.919b

Abbreviation: PB, parental background.


To test whether there were differences in survival by genotype, we used Fisher's exact tests to compare the frequency distribution of S-locus genotypes among progeny that did not (N) and did (Y) survive to 4 weeks of age. The exact probability for the observed or a larger difference is given.


To test for overall segregation distortion, we tested for deviations from expected Mendelian ratios (1:2:1) based on observed (O) and expected (E) genotype frequencies summed across both surviving and dead progeny. The exact multinomial probability for the observed or a larger deviation is given.