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. 2012 Aug 15;110(1):19–28. doi: 10.1038/hdy.2012.49

Table 4. Power analysis inferring minimum sample sizes (Nmin) needed to detect effect sizes given increasing levels of S-linked inbreeding depression (δS-linked) for relative growth rate in the three parental backgrounds (PB1–3).

  Detectable δS-linkeda Effect sizeb Nmin (actual power)c
Selfed progeny PB1 (S1S39) 0.05 0.450 51 (0.83)
MSerror=0.016 0.10 0.899 18 (0.88)
Neffectived=9 0.15 1.349 12 (0.95)
  0.20 1.799 9 (0.96)
  0.25 2.249 9 (1.00)
  0.30 2.698 6 (0.90)
  0.35 3.148 6 (0.96)
Selfed progeny PB2 (S3S23) 0.05 0.327 96 (0.81)
MSerror=0.019 0.10 0.654 27 (0.82)
Neffectived=21 0.15 0.981 15 (0.86)
  0.20 1.308 12 (0.93)
  0.25 1.635 9 (0.92)
  0.30 1.962 9 (0.98)
  0.35 2.289 6 (0.80)
Selfed progeny PB3 (S1S23) 0.05 0.268 138 (0.80)
MSerror=0.040 0.10 0.536 39 (0.83)
Neffectived=24 0.15 0.804 21 (0.87)
  0.20 1.071 12 (0.80)
  0.25 1.339 12 (0.94)
  0.30 1.607 9 (0.91)
  0.35 1.875 9 (0.97)

Abbreviations: MS, mean square; PB, parental background.

For each PB, the level of variance (MSerror) underlying the effect size calculation and the effective sample size (Neffective) was obtained from the analysis of variance presented in Table 3.


Detectable δS-linked: δSx-linked=1−(MeanRGRSxSx)/(MeanRGRSxSy).


Effect size (f) standardized by MSerror: Inline graphic.


Minimum sample size (Nmin) needed (rounded up to the nearest product of three) to achieve at least 80% power to detect the given effect size.


The effective sample size was determined conservatively based on the sample size in the smallest genotype class: Neffective=Nsmallest genotype class × number of genotype classes.