TSSC3 affects MASH2 expression. A, top panels, mRNA level of Tssc3 and Mash2; bottom panels, protein levels in TSSC3-overexpressing TS cells. B, the mRNA expression levels were assessed by real-time PCR using cDNA from TSSC3-overexpressing TS cells. The mRNA levels were normalized using Gapdh. Results are the mean ± S.D. (error bars) from three independent experiments. The asterisks indicate statistical significance (*, p < 0.01). C, these panels show TSSC3 and Mash2 protein levels in TSSC3 knockdown TS cells. D, the mRNA expression was assessed by real-time PCR using cDNA from TSSC3 knockdown TS cells. The mRNA levels were normalized using Gapdh. Results are the mean ± S.D. from three independent experiments (*, p < 0.01; **, p < 0.05).