Figure 2. GPX1 Expression and TFAP2C regulation.
A. GPX1 expression by RT-PCR (top panel) and Western blot (bottom panels) in four breast cancer cell lines. B. GPX1 expression in BT-474 and MDA-MB-453 after transfection with siRNAs: Mock (mock transfected), non-targeting (NT), TFAP2A (A) or TFAP2C (C) or both siRNAs (A+C). C. The 60 bp region of the GPX1 gene promoter with consensus sequences of potential AP-2 binding sites (underlined) and relative location of additional oligonucleotide competitors used in gel-shift assay. D. Gel shift with radiolabeled probe shown in C with oligo competitors. The locations of free probe, TFAP2C complex and complex supershift are noted.