Figure 4. Methylation of GPX1 promoter.
A. Results of bisulphite sequencing of CpG island of GPX1 promoter in cell lines shown with CpGs denoted by a circle. B. Example of sequencing reads from the GPX1 promoter CpG island from template prepared from MCF-7 and BT-474 cells demonstrating the presence of C preceding a G in the site indicated by arrows showed that these cytosines were methylated in MCF-7 cells. Unmethylated cytosines (C) were converted to uracils (T) in BT-474 cells. C. Expression of GPX1 by RT-PCR (top panel) and Western blot (bottom panels) after treatment with 5-aza dC for cell lines shown. D. ChIP analysis performed with anti-TFAP2C antibody compared to IgG at GPX1 promoter demonstrated significant increase in binding of TFAP2C after treatment with 5-aza-dC, whereas, no evidence for binding of TFAP2C in absence of drug (Mock). Data normalized to ChIP with IgG.