Figure 1.
Representative pictures of p53staining in a grade 2 serous carcinoma (a), grade 1 serous carcinoma (b) and mucinous carcinoma (c); p21 staining in a serous carcinoma (d), serous ovarian borderline tumor (e), and mucinous carcinoma (f); bax staining in a serous carcinoma (g), mucinous ovarian borderline tumor (h), and mucinous carcinoma (i); bcl-2 staining in a serous carcinoma (k) and serous ovarian borderline tumor (m). P53 and p21 immunostaining was restricted to the nuclei. Baxlabelling was observed in both the outer of the membrane and the cytoplasm. Bcl-2 immunostaining was detected in the cytoplasm. ([a-h, k-m] IHC; X100 and [i] IHC; X200).