Table 1.
Source and Date |
Focus | Discipline/Clinical Specialty |
Bero et al., 1998 | Provides an overview of systematic reviews of interventions to promote the implementation of research findings |
Healthcare |
Cabana, Rushton, & Rush, 2002 | Addresses identified barriers to the implementation of depression guidelines in primary medical care |
Medicine/Primary Care |
Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care Group (EPOC), 2002 | Represents interventions that can be extracted by authors conducting reviews for EPOC, and includes professional interventions, financial interventions, organizational interventions, and regulatory interventions |
Healthcare |
Curry, 2000 | Suggests organizational interventions to increase the adoption, reach, and impact of evidence-based guidelines |
Healthcare |
Davis & Davis, 2009 | Reviews educational interventions that can be utilized in implementation efforts in healthcare |
Healthcare |
Eccles & Foy, 2009 | Describes strategies that facilitate implementation through social influences |
Healthcare |
Ferlie, 2009 | Reviews organizational approaches to implementation and quality improvement |
Healthcare |
Gilbody, Whitty, Grimshaw, & Thomas, 2003 | Focuses on educational and organizational strategies to improve the management of depression |
Medicine/Primary Care |
Grimshaw et al., 2001 | Overviews systematic reviews of professional, educational, or quality assurance interventions to improve quality of care |
Healthcare |
Grimshaw et al, 2004 | Systematically reviews studies of guideline dissemination and implementation strategies |
Healthcare |
Grimshaw et al., 2006 | Systematically reviews studies of guideline dissemination and implementation strategies |
Healthcare |
Grol, 1997 | Suggests a range of strategies with the potential to impact both internal processes and external influences that have the potential to change clinical practice |
Healthcare |
Grol, 2001 | Includes twelve broad strategies to improve patient care based upon a review of systematic reviews |
Medicine |
Grol, Bosch, Hulscher, Eccles, & Wensing, 2007 | Presents theories pertinent to the implementation of change in clinical practice, and provides possible strategies and interventions that are linked to theoretically derived hypotheses about change and barriers to change |
Healthcare |
Grol & Grimshaw, 2003 | Summarizes the state of the evidence for strategies to implement evidence in healthcare |
Healthcare |
Gupta & McKibbon, 2009 | Describes several informatics interventions that help to collect, summarize, package, and deliver information |
Healthcare |
Hysong, Best & Pugh, 2007 | Highlights strategies used to implement clinical practice guidelines in high and low performing Veterans Affairs Medical Centers |
Healthcare |
Katon, Zatzick, Bond, & Williams, 2006 | Reviews key dissemination efforts involving collaborative care for depression, evidence-based treatments for severe mental illness, and interventions for acutely injured trauma survivors |
Medicine/Primary Care/Mental Health |
Leeman, Baerhnhoeldt & Sandelowsky, 2007 | Presents a theory-based taxonomy of methods for implementing change in nursing practice |
Nursing |
Magnabosco, 2006 | Compiles innovative state level activities and strategies to implement evidence-based mental health treatments in the Evidence-Based Practices Project |
Mental Health |
McHugh & Barlow, 2010 | Reviews exemplar efforts at the national, state, and individual treatment developer levels to implement evidence-based mental health interventions into service delivery settings |
Mental Health |
McMaster University, 2010 | Combines Cochrane’s EPOC and Consumers and Communications review groups’ taxonomies to present a taxonomy of implementation strategies |
Healthcare |
Medves et al, 2010 | Focuses on implementation strategies that can be used for healthcare teams and team-based practice |
Healthcare |
Moulding, Silagy, & Weller, 1999 | Identifies strategies based upon a conceptual framework for guideline dissemination and implementation |
Healthcare |
O’Connor, 2009 | Reviews interventions to improve patients’ knowledge, experiences, service use, health behavior, and health status |
Healthcare |
Prior, Guerin, Grimmer-Somers, 2008 | Presents an overview of systematic reviews of guideline implementation strategies |
Healthcare |
Rabin, Glasgow, Kerner, Klump, & Brownson, 2010 | Reviews existing dissemination and implementation studies in the areas of smoking, healthy diet, physical activity and sun protection |
Smoking, Healthy Diet, Physical Activity, Sun Protection |
Raghavan, Bright & Shadoin, 2008 | Examines organizational-, payer and regulatory-, and political-level opportunities to develop implementation strategies to promote the use of evidence-based mental health interventions |
Mental Health Policy |
Rx for Change, 2010 | Based upon Cochrane’s EPOC review group’s taxonomy of interventions, Rx for Change’s database provides references to implementation and quality improvement literature |
Healthcare |
Ryan, Lowe, Santesso, & Hill, 2010 | Describes the Cochrane Consumers and Communications Review Group’s taxonomy of consumer focused interventions to increase evidence- based prescribing and medicine use |
Medicine |
Shojania, McDonald, Wachter, & Owens, 2004 | Suggests a taxonomy of nine types of quality improvement strategies and provides specific examples of discrete strategies within each category |
Healthcare |
Shojania et al., 2006 | Assesses the impact of 11 distinct strategies for quality improvement in adults with type 2 diabetes |
Medicine/Diabetes |
Stone et al., 2002 | Evaluates the effectiveness of previously studied approaches for improving adherence to guidelines for adult immunization and cancer screening |
Medicine/ Oncology |
Torrey, Finnerty, Evans, & Wyzik, 2003 | Suggests a range of potential strategies for moving evidence-based mental health interventions into routine care |
Mental Health |
Walter, Nutley, & Davies, 2003 | Lists and defines interventions designed to increase research utilization |
Broad Focus on Research Utilization in Policy and Practice |
Walter, Nutley, & Davies, 2005 | Presents a systematic review of the effectiveness of different mechanisms for promoting research use |
Health, Social Care, Criminal Justice, and Education |
Wensing, Bosch & Grol, 2009 | Provides a broad overview of implementation interventions utilized in healthcare settings |
Healthcare |
Wensing, Elwyn & Grol, 2005 | Reviews patient-mediated implementation strategies | Healthcare |
Wensing & Grol, 2005 | Discusses educational interventions used to improve patient care |
Healthcare |
Wensing, Klazinga, Wollerstain & Grol, 2005 | Focuses on organizational and financial strategies with the potential to change the behavior of patients and healthcare teams |
Healthcare |