Acid-prepared mesoporous spheres (APMS)–gadolinium (Gd) microparticles are excreted
in the urine. Urine samples were passively collected from Wistar rats
(n=3) following each MRI time point (0.5, 2, 4, 24 hr). Urine
samples were digested, filtered, and prepared for scanning electron microscopy
(SEM)/energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis with gold and palladium coating.
Panels A to D present SEM micrographs (left) of APMS-Gd microparticles (indicated by
black arrows). In panels A and E, magnification is 12,000×, scale bar = 1 µm. B and C
are at 8000× magnification; scale bar = 2 µm. D is at 5000× magnification; scale bar =
2 µm. The corresponding EDS spectra (right) display prominent silicon peaks (black
arrows), the main component of APMS microparticles. Panel E represents an off-target
(white arrow) SEM micrograph control. The corresponding EDS spectrum reveals an
absence of silicon (line arrow). No particles could be found for analysis in the
144-hr (6-day) sample.