HSQC perturbations upon
addition of compound to S100B. (a) HSQC
spectrum of S100B with heptamidine (top, red) or pentamidine (bottom,
red) overlaid onto S100B control (black). Residues that experience
significant perturbation are labeled. (b and c) Graphical representation
of the perturbation of chemical shifts experienced by S100B upon addition
of heptamidine (b) or pentamidine (c). The red bar denotes twice the
average perturbation; values greater than this line are considered
significant. The insets depict a surface representation of S100B bound
to heptamidine (b) or pentamidine (c); residues that are significantly
perturbed or disappear completely upon addition of compound are colored
red, and atoms of the compound are colored yellow (carbon), blue (nitrogen),
and red (oxygen). (d) The difference between perturbations of S100B
caused by pentamidine and heptamidine. The inset depicts residue perturbations
that are not shared by the two compounds in yellow.