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Table 3.

Haplotyping software for hypothesis testing and analysis.

Program name Haplotyping algorithm Key analysis feature(s) Discrete outcomea Continuous outcomeb
CHAPLIN ECM Includes likelihood ratio statistic and score statistic for haplotype-phenotype analysis, uses permutation test to determine significance Yes, case-control No
Includes AIC for model selection, does not accommodate covariates
EH EM Test for LD for unrelated and in case-control Yes, case-control No
Test for frequency difference between case-control under: H1 association, H2 association for all loci
EHPLUS EM Improves on EH Yes, case-control No
Model-free analysis and permutation test
FASTEHPLUS EM Implements EH and EHPLUS test Yes, case-control No
Significant speed improvements
GENECOUNTING EM Compares overall and specific haplotype frequency between cases and controls Yes, case-control No
HAPH IP Phylogeny based haplotyping method Yes, case-control Yes
Uses information from phylogeny for analysis, includes parametric and non-parametric tests for qualitative and quantitative phenotypes
HAPLO.STATS EM Score statistic for haplotype-phenotype analysis Yes, binary, ordinal, & Poisson Yes
GLM for regression of trait on haplotype, adjustment for covariates and interaction
HPLUS EE +PL+ EM Compares haplotypes frequency between cases and controls, option to adjust for covariates, and interaction assessment Yes, case-control No
Reports OR, confidence interval and identifies haplotype blocks
LDSUPPORT EM Uses likelihood method to calculate risk of developing disease phenotype from diplotype configuration Yes, case-control No
PHASE v2.0 MCMC Allows comparison of haplotype frequency between populations Yes, case-control No
THESIAS S-EM Compares haplotypes frequency between cases and controls, survival
analysis, option to adjust for covariates and interaction assessment
Yes, case-control,
survival analysis
Uses Chi-square statistics/t-test for analysis
SAS Genetics EM Allows comparison of haplotype frequency between populations Yes, case-control Yes
Haplotype trend regression (HTR) and several population genetic tests
TDT test for family data
SNPEM EM Compares overall and specific haplotype frequency between cases and controls Yes, case-control No
Includes batch feature for sliding windows analysis
WHAP EM Uses SNPHAP for regression based haplotype association test on SNPs, provides beta estimates of effects Yes, case-control Yes
Includes haplotype weighted likelihood analysis, permutation
tests and sliding windows analysis
Zaykin et al. EM Likelihood ratio statistic for haplotype-phenotype analysis Yes, case-control Yes
Allows sliding windows analysis
3locus.PAS EM Test for global disequilibrium, including pairwise and three No No
way disequilibrium for an unrelated sample
Other analysis programs
Arlequin v2.0/3.0 EM/ELB Several population genetic tests
Zou and Zhao EM Adjust haplotype frequency estimates for genotyping error

a Qualitative phenotype.

b Quantitative phenotype.

AIC: Akaike's Information Criterion; EE: Estimating equation; ELB: Excoffier-Laval-Balding algorithm, Bayesian; ECM: Expectation Conditional maximisation algorithm; EM: Expectation maximisation algorithm; GLM: General Linear Model; IP: Imperfect phylogeny; MCMC: Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm, Bayesian algorithm; OR: Odds Ratio; PL: Partition ligation algorithm; S-EM: Stochastic EM algorithm.

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