Table 4.
Nature of APC mutation cluster region mutations in 11 CRC patients from the Kashmir valley
Patient ID | Mutationa | Amino acid change | Affected codon | Effect |
A6 | TTA > TAA | Leu > Stop | 1277 | NS |
A8 | ACCAA > ACA | Del CA | 1448/49 | FS |
A9 | TTA > GTA | Leu > Val | 1489 | MS |
A22 | AGT > ATT | Ser > Ile | 1494 | MS |
A25 | AGA > AGT | Arg > Ser | 1336 | MS |
A27 | AGT > ATT | Ser > Ile | 1494 | MS |
A28 | TTA > TAA | Leu > Stop | 1277 | NS |
A31 | TAAAAGAAAAG > TAAAAGA | Del AAAAG | 1307/08/09 | FS |
A33 | TAAAAG > TAAG | Del AA | 1307/08 | FS |
A37 | AAG > TAG | Lys > Stop | 1449 | NS |
A77 | ATG > ATAG | Ins A | 1525 | FS |
XXb | ACG > ACA | Thr > Thr | 1492 | S |
aMutated, deleted or inserted nucleotide underlined.
bXX refers to any general tumour sample.
Abbreviations: MS, missense mutation; NS, nonsense mutation; S, silent mutation; FS, Frameshift mutation.