Figure 1. Schematic presentation of historical dispersal of H. obsoletus and expected co-dispersal scenarios of H. obsoletus and tuf-a stolbur.
(a) Historical dispersal of H. obsoletus showing origin of German (D) H. obsoletus in Slovenia (SLO) inferred from (b) genealogical relationships of haplotypes aa, ab and bb. The haplotype aa evolved east of the Italian-Slovenian karst divide. Italian (I) and French (F) H. obsoletus exhibit the derived haplotype bb, which is found west of the divide only. The ancestral haplotype ab is found throughout southern Europe but not in Germany [32]. (c) Scenario 1: Stolbur tuf-a transferred from field bindweed to stinging nettle in the course of H. obsoletus' host shift. (d) Scenario 2: expected phylogeny of monophyletic tuf-a stolbur assuming historical co-dispersal of H. obsoletus and tuf-a stolbur from Slovenia into Germany. (e) Scenario 3: dispersal of monophyletic tuf-a stolbur from France into Germany that is independent of host race formation of H. obsoletus in Germany. An Italian ancestry is assumed in all scenarios.