Figure 7. Dominant negative Akt and PI3K inhibitors attenuate the effects of Epac on iNOS.
A. Hepatocytes were transfected with dominant negative Akt plasmid (Akt KD). After recovery, the cells were treated with IL-1β + IFNγ with or without 0.2mM OPTmecAMP for 24 hours. n=9, * p<0.05 vs IL-1β + IFNγ with vector control transfection; # p<0.05 vs control by ANOVA. B. Hepatocytes were infected with AdGFP or AdLEpac2. After recovery, the cells were treated with IL-1β + IFNγ for 20 hours with either DMSO or 10 μM LY294002. The supernatants were collected for Griess assay (Upper) and the cell lysates were collected for Western blot analysis (Lower). Data shows the fold induction of Nitrite vs CTRL, n=9, * p<0.05 vs AdGFP infection; # p<0.05 vs IL-1β + IFNγ alone by ANOVA. The blot shown is representative of three independent experiments.