Fig. 2.
Results of the multiple regression analysis: effect of body concentration of metals expressed as body concentration index, BCIi on the whole-body respiration rate of P. oblongopunctatus collected along two pollution gradients. The line shows the relative change in the predicted values of respiration rates that occurs when changing body concentration of metals over their observed ranges. Each point is then plotted by adding its residuals to a line. The respiration rate correlates with BCIi at p = 0.014. The model included also body mass (p < 0.0001), year (or gradient) (p = 0.0025) and interactions: BCIi × wet body mass (p = 0.018), BCIi × collection day (p = 0.006) and year (or gradient) × wet body mass (p = 0.014), and explained 38.7 % of the total variability (