1) How can clinicians help consumers learn the key tasks of “taking stock”? |
2) What are the best ways to facilitate hope, optimism, and agency throughout the recovery process? |
3) What are the circumstances that facilitate recovery-related “turning points” or personal decisions, and how can we foster them? |
4) How can we determine the best timing for supporting meaningful activities such as employment, or interventions designed to promote other recovery-related factors? |
5) How can we minimize damage to agency, autonomy, control, hope, and optimism, if hospitalization or incarceration cannot be avoided? |
6) What kinds of support systems, formal and informal, are most likely to promote recovery, and how can we encourage their growth and development? |
7) How can we facilitate resource development and prevent resource loss (particularly loss spirals)? |
8) What kind of systems for organizing and financing care will best promote principles of treatment most important to the recovery process? |