Fig. 3.
Cx37-C61,65A does not form hemichannels able to mediate dye uptake. A The percent of cells positive for NBD-M-TMA uptake and negative for rhodamine dextran was compared to determine hemichannel function. In cells induced to express Cx37-WT, dye uptake was significantly more frequent (*p < 0.001) than in noninduced cells or cells induced to express Cx37-C61,65A. B Representative images of DIC (arrows indicate isolated cells or cell clusters), NBD-M-TMA and rhodamine dextran fields for iRin37 induced (a–c) and noninduced (d–f), iRin37-C61,65A 1C3 induced (g–i) and noninduced (j–l). Scale bar = 20 μm, applies to all images