Effect of UVB-CM on hair shaft elongation and hair induction. (A, B) Compared with ASC-CM (gray bars), UVB-CM (black bars) treatment significantly increased the proliferation of human dermal papilla cells [(A), 5×; 5-fold concentrated CM, 10×; 10-fold concentrated CM], and outer root sheath cells (B). (C) Hair shaft elongation was examined using isolated human anagen hairs. The length of HFs cultured in UVB-CM (black bars) was significantly elongated compared with ASC-CM (gray bars). (D) In addition, staining of HF with the Ki-67 antibody was significantly increased by UVB-CM treatment, and number of K67-positive cells was quantitated. (E) In the patch assay, transplantation of UVB-CM-treated dermal cells plus epidermal cells induced the new HFs. Number of HFs was significantly increased in the UVB-CM treated group. HFs were counted from 8 implantation sites from 4 different mice (2 sites/mouse, n=4 for each group). **P<0.01. UVB-CM, UVB-preconditioned ASCs; ASC-CM, the conditioned medium derived from ASCs; HFs, hair follicles. Color images available online at www.liebertpub.com/scd